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Design On Edge

BeeFit Genererates Buzz in the Health and Fitness Community

BeeFit encourages its clients to develop a healthy, holistic lifestyle through wellness coaching in a world flooded with fluctuating health and fitness trends. Their focus is to disrupt fitness industry myths and prioritize overall health rather than trends, well-being over toxic food habits, and joy over all else to ultimately cultivate a lifestyle where mental and physical health go hand-in-hand. They believe health and welless goals look different for everyone and go beyond aesthetics. That movement, a healthy relationship with food, and community encouragement are the keys to a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

As we explored concepts for BeeFit, we wanted to prioritize the feeling of joy and community. We discovered that the health and fitness industry can quickly turn toxic and competitive and, unfortunately, can even encourage habits that take the joy out of life rather than cultivating it. The final logo utilizes a rounded, fun font that emphasizes their belief that health and wellness should be available to every person. The community we surround ourselves with should be a diverse landscape of people who share the same beliefs and want everyone to succeed in reaching their goals. The bee icon also showcases their focus: whether someone is a bumble bee, queen bee, or honey bee, they make up a healthy hive when they come together.

In developing their website, we wanted to focus on creating movement and energy throughout the site. Many of the photos used have undergone a photo treatment to achieve this while also incorporating bee-themed imagery to complete the overall aesthetic of BeeFit and further the notion of a healthy hive. We’re grateful to bee a part of the BeeFit hive and are excited to see how they continue to grow and push people to be the best versions of themselves.




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